Saturday, July 16, 2011

Should I relocate? I'm thinking about this possibility but have the following factors to ..?

think nuclear family... I'm a single guy who's in his late 30s who's been working mostly as a temp the past several years, but the assignments have dried up pretty much, due to the economy and outsourcing.. I'm living presently at my Dad's house.. part of me wants to just get out of NY altogether ... it's expensive to live here..and I'm just in general dissatisfied with how far I've gone in life.. I don't know why, but I think if I moved out westward, things would fall into place - I'd land a decent job (the pay may be lower, but possibly comfortable), jump start my dating scene - who knows, maybe find a girlfriend who'll eventually marry me - the perpetual bachelor idea kind of freaks me out at this point..and be all in all much happier. Back to my nuclear family - this consists of my Dad and younger brother - he's entering his late 30s now and also single. My Dad's short-term memory is somewhat slowing down.. there were times when he locked himself out of his house, and thanks to me being around and out of work, I was able to help him get back in. I worry about him. My brother started a new time-demanding office job, and we're proud of him. At the same time, he's not that available to help out my Dad, as he'd like. And we don't hold that against my bro at all.. I'm pleased that he's doing well (he was out of work prior to that too for awhile) and wish him much success. I don't know guys and gals - should I consider the move out (this would be risky since I don't have any opportunities waiting for me) or stick around here? I just can't see myself doing all that well in NY - I'm bright, but I guess not a genius or highly super bright, since I didn't study engineering, physics or statistics and earned PhDs, and now am a professor or a highly paid consultant for a pharmaceutical company. New York is a tough (well, the part where I live, which is not that far north of NYC - a real competitive zone) place to build a career - well, one which brings a big salary. I personally don't require a metropolitan atmosphere to work and live in..the suburbs are fine with me.

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